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Products - G3 System

Products - G3 System


PolyMud® is the technical work force or the backbone of the G3® stabilization system.

PolyMud® is a highly concentrated dry synthetic polymer designed specifically for chemical interactions with diverse types of soil profiles.

The uniqueness of PolyMud's molecular structure allows the polymer to be completely soluble in water, while remaining readily available for the primary function of active chemical bonding and stabilization of soil particles.

In addition, newly designed reactive clusters integrated within PolyMud's molecular structure allow for the secondary function of active cross linking with the various polymer components of the G3® system.

PolyMud's formulation of high molecular weight and stable charge densities results in an extremely viscous aqueous solution that is ideal for most types of drilling and geoconstruction applications.


Alfa-Bond® is a liquid variation of the PolyMud® polymer, exclusively designed as a 'multi-role' polymer cross-linker.

Alfa-Bond's chemical sequence allows rapid incorporation into the G3 System slurry and ensures rapid penetration to the chemical clusters on the Poly-Mud® molecule.

The cross-linking characteristic of Alfa-Bond/reg; provides the industrys first 'intrinsic-binding' polymer system. In addition, Alfa-Bond/reg; polymers instantaneously bind to soil particles and reinforce the overall stability of the excavation.

Alfa Bonds main applications include fluid loss control and localized viscosity boosting, besides allowing combinations within the G3® system's product line that helps solving various scenarios in the most demanding soil conditions.

Applied in concentrations over 0,5% increases the solids suspension abilities of the fluid, further allowing for higher density values.

For local applications, the product is added directly at the excavation or placed in plastic bags with a weight to sink it, and holes in order to allow for the solution to be displaced, spreading its beneficial action to the excavation.