How long does it take, after product application to achieve the desired effects?
After the application, about 30 minutes, that may vary depending on slurry’s density and sand content, after which it’s possible to clean the bottom of the excavation and place reinforcement cage and start the pouring.
Which factors may interfere with the products best performance?
For best results, the slurry should be homogeneously agitated after the application of Super D-Sand Cleaning® in order to assure homogeneous distribution of the product in the excavation. It’s recommended to use an aeration system for 15 minutes
Is it necessary to dilute or blend the product?
No, Super D-Sand Cleaning® is ready to use.
For how long Super D-Sand Cleaning® remains stored?
It is unknown that the product may deteriorate with time.
Is GEO available to perform a field test regarding a future order?
Absolutely, GEO is always available to insure that our clients acquire the product that best suit their needs, sending if needed a technical representative to oversee the test and ensure an adequate application for each case.